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At Trilink, we adopt a structured and disciplined approach and provide you secure and safe mutual fund investment platform. At Trilink, we offer you multiple distribution services like Mutual funds, Insurance, Fixed Deposit etc. a complete range of services that complement our distribution services. The range includes a combination of best of breed proprietary and non-proprietary (third party) products. The approach is to provide you quick transaction services suitable to your profile and risk appetite. Work with us to develop a savings cum investment habit and a protection way that provides you with the best chance to reach your investment targets according to your specific needs and comfort levels. Our incidental advice helps you to choose the best and more suitable scheme for you under the SEBI defined riskometer. Explore the comprehensive array of our investment services, programs, and products. Read more
It tells you how much wealth you can create by making monthly investment.
It helps you plan for the future expenditure for your child’s higher education
It helps you to plan for the expenditure to be incurred at the time of marriage of your child.
It helps you to plan for saving sufficient amount to take care of your post retirement.
We thank you for the work you have done for us over the past years. The attention with which you have handled our financial affairs could not be faulted. May you prosper along with your clients.
“We were very fortunate in being introduced to Trilink and he became our mutual fund distributor. He has demonstrated sound and conservative financial ability, makes regular visits to our home and is readily available by telephone. We can recommend his services.”
Risk Factors – Investments in Mutual Funds are subject to Market Risks. Read all scheme related documents carefully before investing. Mutual Fund Schemes do not assure or guarantee any returns. Past performances of any Mutual Fund Scheme may or may not be sustained in future. There is no guarantee that the investment objective of any suggested scheme shall be achieved. All existing and prospective investors are advised to check and evaluate the Exit loads and other cost structure (TER) applicable at the time of making the investment before finalizing on any investment decision for Mutual Funds schemes. We deal in Regular Plans only for Mutual Fund Schemes and earn a Trailing Commission on client investments. Disclosure For Commission earnings is made to clients at the time of investments. Option of Direct Plan for every Mutual Fund Scheme is available to investors offering advantage of lower expense ratio. We are not entitled to earn any commission on Direct plans. Hence we do not deal in Direct Plans.
AMFI Registered Mutual Fund Distributor ARN-80265 Date of initial Registration: 2010 Current validity: 13 January 2026
Grievance Officer: Vinita Patil +919822073539
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