• Happy Retirement

    Don't end up ignoring the future

  • Saving for Children Future

    Let's create a Plan to give wings to their dreams

  • Insurance

    You are the biggest asset of your family. Are you gambling
    with this invaluable asset by not insuring it properly?

  • Take Risks in Your Life If u Win, U Can Lead! If u Lose, U Can Guide!

  • Don’t wait for things to get better. Life will always be complicated.
    Learn to be happy right now, otherwise, you’ll run out of time.

  • Right knowledge is the ultimate solution to all our problems.

  • Neither in this world nor elsewhere is there any happiness
    in store for him who always doubts.

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Now invest 24*7 in the mutual fund schemes of your choice without any hassles.


Download KYC and FATCA Forms and check your KYC status.

Welcome to Trilink

At Trilink, we adopt a structured and disciplined approach and provide you secure and safe mutual fund investment platform. At Trilink, we offer you multiple distribution services like Mutual funds, Insurance, Fixed Deposit etc. a complete range of services that complement our distribution services. The range includes a combination of best of breed proprietary and non-proprietary (third party) products. The approach is to provide you quick transaction services suitable to your profile and risk appetite. Work with us to develop a savings cum investment habit and a protection way that provides you with the best chance to reach your investment targets according to your specific needs and comfort levels. Our incidental advice helps you to choose the best and more suitable scheme for you under the SEBI defined riskometer. Explore the comprehensive array of our investment services, programs, and products. Read more

Financial Calculators

SIP Calculator

It tells you how much wealth you can create by making monthly investment.

Education Calculator

It helps you plan for the future expenditure for your child’s higher education

Marriage Calculator

It helps you to plan for the expenditure to be incurred at the time of marriage of your child.

Retirement Calculator

It helps you to plan for saving sufficient amount to take care of your post retirement.


Atul Kaushik

We thank you for the work you have done for us over the past years. The attention with which you have handled our financial affairs could not be faulted. May you prosper along with your clients.

Pulkit Mehra

“We were very fortunate in being introduced to Trilink and he became our mutual fund distributor. He has demonstrated sound and conservative financial ability, makes regular visits to our home and is readily available by telephone. We can recommend his services.”